
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Twelve Days of Upcycled Christmas Ornaments and a Giant Giveaway

Before we all head off to enjoy our Turkey Day with friends and family I wanted to tell you about a fun little holiday series AND my first YouTube giveaway that both kick off the day after Thanksgiving.  I’m calling it the “Twelve Days of UpcycledChristmas Ornaments” and the 5K subscriber giveaway.  Every day for twelve days I’ll be showing you a new tree ornament made from what else? Upcycled Stuff.  You’ll see me using aluminum cans, blue jeans, wool sweaters, T-shirts, Tissue boxes, silverware, cookie cutters, pallets and a few other various pieces of trash.  There will be something for everyone and I’ll show you how I made each one, step by step!

It's going to be loads of fun and I hope you'll avoid the Black Friday crowds and stay home and craft with me instead.  Here's a quick video that I whipped up that explains how you can enter to win all of the hand crafted ornaments that I'll be making during the twelve day event:

Until then, enjoy the holiday with those who are closest and I'll see you in a couple of days!

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