
Friday, November 28, 2014

Sparkly DIY Aluminum Can Ornaments: Day 1 of 12

Happy Black Friday y'all, the Christmas season is finally here!  Well, at least in my book it is anyway.  As a young child, I remember all the ornaments coming out of the attic the day after Thanksgiving and watching dad struggle to untangle the lights for the tree.  Once the lights were on my mom would hand one ornament to each of us kids to go put on the tree, and then another and another. And then that night, after we were all tucked in, my mom and dad would redecorate the tree so that it wasn't quite so "bottom heavy."

But now I'm tall, taller than my mom and I can decorate my own tree...the whole tree!  I still deck the halls with some of my childhood ornaments but there is always room for just one more. Well, hopefully twelve more because that's what I'm adding this year.  So without further ado, here is ornament numero uno of the Twelve Days of Upcycled Christmas Ornaments, they're made from Arizona Tea cans:

Don't forget, I'm giving away all of the ornaments that I show you how to make over the next twelve days in exchange for your help in getting me to my 5,000 subscriber goal over on YouTube.  You can enter twice each day of the contest, just check out the Rafflecopter below. You can see all the details in my last post here.

Here's the video tutorial.  Enjoy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway